Today was the last day of my internship!
I processed 51 boxes of books and other materials in the Natural History collection for my primary project, and completed an inventory of 24 boxes of internal exhibit records for my secondary project. (Not bad for a six week summer internship). Funnily enough, the last box I processed was from my birth year, and during the season when I was born there was an exhibit called "First Encounters."
This has been a wonderful experience getting to see a holistic representation of a museum in its everyday activities and historical evolution as an organization. I have truly enjoyed it.
I am currently surrounded by suitcases which I am working on filling back up with my belongings; very soon I will be hitting the road again to make my way back up to South Carolina for another busy semester of graduate school. Thankfully while this begins the end of the summer for me, it also heralds the beginning of new opportunities and plenty of things to learn and do that will definitely keep me busy.
Stay tuned, I might be using this platform for a blog to accompany my independent study!